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Explore Lübeck's landmark
The Hanseatic city's exciting history
The gate of the century
Crest the two towers filled with history

Lübeck’s Holstentor gate is one of the best known German buildings worldwide

The Exhibition

Inside this historic monument the Holstentor Museum puts the history of Lübeck’s hanseatic trade links, its power and its wealth on display. Exhibits such as historical ship models, suits of armor, weapons, legal instruments, and articles of merchandise offer many exciting discoveries to the visitors. The exhibition »The Power of Trade« – Die Macht des Handels – thus illustrates the success story with which the merchants of medieval Lübeck put their city firmly on the international map.



Montag - Sonntag
10:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Monday - Sunday

10:00 - 18:00


Geschlossen am : 24.12., 25.12, 31.12 und 01.01.

Geöffnet: Karfreitag , Ostersonntag, Ostermontag, Tag der Arbeit, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingstmontag , Tag der Deutschen Einheit, Reformationstag,  2. Weihnachtsfeiertag


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Route planen


Museum Holstentor
23552 Lübeck

Phone +49 451 1224129

Explore the world famous landmark in our Digital Story:

Learn everything about Lübeck´s most famous landmark!